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Medical usage of pomegranate

  • Pomegranate is useful for treating diabetes.
  • Pomegranate removes intoxication.
  • Sodden of pomegranate leaves cures migraine.
  • Sweet pomegranate stops itching.
  • Sweet pomegranate sauce is useful for thin people.
  • Pomegranate juice lowers thirst.
  • Sweet pomegranate banishes depression.
  • It is helpful In treating rickets, anemia and neurasthenia
  • Pomegranate purifies blood
  • Sodden of pomegranate flower removes mouth ulcers and chronic diarrhea
  • Sodden of pomegranate skin recovers sore threat and hemorrhoid
  • Bark and root extract can excrete of intestinal warms.


As mentioned before pomegranate juice, rind and oil contain a large amount of antioxidants and other nutrients. This fact was a good motivation for performing tests in laboratories to find out whether they can be helpful in curing cancer. The results declared that pomegranate juice can slow down the reproduction of cancerous cells and even cause their destruction.

It can also prevent blood from reaching tumors and decrease their size this way.

This is what happened to the mice which suffered from lung cancer and were used in experiments.

Other studies have been done on humans. Mainly concerning breast and prostate cancer the outcome was promising.

Kidney disease

According to the scientists studies in the university of Michigan, pomegranate juice is helpful for patients during their dialysis procedure. The amount of antioxidant polyphenol lowers destruction of cells and enhances blood flow which is suitable in dialysis period.

Infection is the second reason of death among people who suffer from kidney diseases. Based on a research 100 patient those who drink pomegranate juice three times a week, are less exposed to infection no drink with this property has been found as strong as pomegranate juice.

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